About Me

As an emerging Canadian artist, My work focuses on whimsically re-contextualizing the beauty and traditionalism of classical realism with the freedom of expression that is afforded to contemporary Canadian artists.

But here in my studio site, you are more likely to see my study work, which focuses mostly on the types of paintings that I make in order to facilitate the creation of my fine art pieces, as well as just paintings that I like to make for their own enjoyment.

I was Born in 1996 in Barrie, Canada, and became immersed in the arts while living in London, England, before moving to Toronto, Canada, where I began my artistic practice as it is today. I have had work in several shows around the GTHA including at the Art Gallery of Missisauaga’s Annual Juried Show in 2024, Summer and Grace’s “Still Life” show in Oakville, and